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Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Always President Obama's Fault Somehow

Let me introduce you to Republican candidate for governor Larry Faircloth of West Virginia.  Also a candidate for the Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) award.  Why bother as he shouldn't be in the public eye for much longer, but here it goes.

According to The Matinsburg's Journal, Mr. Faircloth:

"Faircloth, who referred to President Barack Obama as a "sambo" and U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as a "bimbo" during comments at a public forum in Hampshire County on April 29, has apologized this week to the West Virginia NAACP and anyone else he offended by his statements."

Faircloth apologized for his remarks (if it offended anyone).  And then promptly placed his foot back in his mouth.

According to the Herald-Mail Faircloth claimed:

"Faircloth said some people in West Virginia think President Obama has tried to punish the state. And he said if it takes a joke to bring attention to that issue, "I don't mind doing it.""

Now unless I'm reading that entirely wrong, this must be Obama's fault.   That man sure gets around.


Anonymous said...

Why is everything racial with you? Celebrate your diversity, don't use it as a crutch.

Street Signs said...

Anon 9:33am

"Why is everything racial with you? Celebrate your diversity, don't use it as a crutch."

I didn't mention anything racial about it and I didn't make the comment.

I just blogged about it.

And the celebration is on!

Liberal Elite said...

@12:33 "Why is everything racial"

Let's see. If a racist right wing idiot complains about Obama in a racist manner, it IS about race.

If we blog on how stupid he sounds, it is NOT about race. It's only about stupid racists.

There IS a difference.

Blog Editor said...

Why don't you, as like the only black based blog in Maryland, focus on the positives of black history instead of whining why you need special treatment from guys like us who never owned a slave, and despise the concept. Last time I looked, you couldn't have a better gambit than being a 'minority woman' starting a new business, or getting extra demographic points on a college entrance application. What do you want, reparations?? And if so, spend it so that Baltimore blacks don't execute other Baltimore blacks downtown over a crack deal. Or am I wrong, and it is just us misguided whites capping each other after a Wayne Newton concert?? And you were at the range too-put your REAL name up, and celebrate african american accomplishment {LIKE SOME OF US DUMB GHILLBILLY CRACKERS DO!!} instead of bitching about your inherited, favorably stacked deck. Pull the other one!! BTW-I know how much certain women expect for a weave, nail treatment and dinner/drinks before they WONT sleep with you!!! Reply?? BTW-Glad to have met you on the range.

Street Signs said...

“Why don't you, as like the only black based blog in Maryland, focus on the positives of black history instead of whining why you need special treatment from guys like us who never owned a slave, and despise the concept.”

I am not the only black based blog in Maryland. I am just the only one you read apparently. I have never written our asked for any special treatment in anything I have written.

“Last time I looked, you couldn't have a better gambit than being a 'minority woman' starting a new business, or getting extra demographic points on a college entrance application. What do you want, reparations??”

I am not a minority woman and neither are you so how do you figure? As for reparations, I promised a long time ago on the original Two Sentz blog that I was going to do a post about that. Maybe…

“And if so, spend it so that Baltimore blacks don't execute other Baltimore blacks downtown over a crack deal. Or am I wrong, and it is just us misguided whites capping each other after a Wayne Newton concert??”

I’ve written about that also. Or maybe you just didn’t pay enough attention. I will write the good bad and the ugly here on this blog when I feel like it. If I strike a nerve somewhere then it is you not me.

“And you were at the range too-put your REAL name up, and celebrate african american accomplishment {LIKE SOME OF US DUMB GHILLBILLY CRACKERS DO!!} instead of bitching about your inherited, favorably stacked deck. Pull the other one!! BTW-I know how much certain women expect for a weave, nail treatment and dinner/drinks before they WONT sleep with you!!! Reply?? BTW-Glad to have met you on the range.”

A lot of people actually know my real name. You are just not one of them. You seem to have an issue with that for some reason,that I don’t care to know. I may or may not put my name out there. It is not even that important because I don’t go after anyone on this blog.

You can call me Street Signs. This is my blog and I will write whatever strikes my fancy when it suits me, if you don’t like the topics there are literally thousands of other places you could go. Like your own blog.

After reading what you wrote it took me a while to figure out what you were saying. Let me clarify something. I never attended any of those old PD firing range activities. Never. Just because you saw a Black person there don’t assume it was me. In fact, I only recently met some of those people. I haven’t met you and you don’t know me.

You are little too hostile. Remember it is only a blog.


Sorry Street Signs. I've been drinking again, and I lost control of my thoughts. If I ever fall into that trap acting like a jabroni (not that I need traps) feel free to fine me 50 dinar for every foul word {or we could share a 40 in East Baltimore, remembering to pour one out for our dead homies}.