It must be nice being filthy rich and whiny at the same time. At least you get noticed. Even when you are sort of lying.
In the mean time real people in the real world are suffering. These are the people who don’t have the millions or even billions to even get noticed. They are the people who are still unemployed and can’t find a job. I lot of times employers don’t even want to talk to you unless you have a job now.
I recently saw one of those stupid emails or letters berating the fact that Nancy Pelosi is rich and she has gotten richer. It bemoaned the fact that she was rich (sexism confused with elitism at its best). The truth is if you are rich, you are just going to get richer and richer. That includes John McCain, President Obama, Steve Wynn and Bernie Marcus.
However, the gap between the rich and poor grows every day. The poor are getting poorer. And they get blamed for everything that is wrong in the country. They are blamed for the financial crisis we are in now. You know the deal; Fanny and Freddie Mac. Medicaid. Welfare. The poor are not to blame, but they make a convenient scapegoat because their voices aren’t heard. Or better yet, no one really cares what they say.
Not like a Wynn or Marcus.