These racist attacks can, at least in part, be attributed to the black elite, who have a vested interest in racial paranoia. And that includes a president who has spent years aligned with people who have promoted racial grievance and polarization and appointed an attorney general who's accused us of being "a nation of cowards" on matters of race and has refused to prosecute black thugs who gathered at a Philadelphia voting site in blatant violation of federal voter intimidation laws. Tragically, black youngsters -- who are seething with resentments, refusing to accept educational and other opportunities unknown to blacks yesteryear -- will turn out to be the larger victims in the long run.
You can read the rest here.
What really gets me about this economist’s statement is that he proposes nothing and blames people who have nothing to do with the real problem. The blame should be squarely on the shoulders of the parents. Just like it would be if we were talking about Asians, Jews, white, etc. The president spent years with people who “promoted racial grievance”? Could that have been his grandparents as he has mentioned in the past? Holder accuses the country of being a “nation of cowards” on matter of race? I will always believe Holder in right. In this “post racial” America where we have elected a black person as president we are still surprised about how much racism there still is and the question being asked is, “Why doesn’t the president do something about it?” It is as if we want to blame the victim rather than ourselves.And for the record it was the former president who didn’t want to prosecute the so-called “thugs” at the Philadelphia voting site. That was because there wasn’t any intimidation.
I have heard a lot of people echo Professor Williams’ statements about blacks. My question to them is what are you doing about it? If you have such a huge problem with this or any segment of America are you going to step up and try to help the people in it? Or are you going to spend all your time writing in blogs, newspapers or behind a computer doing nothing but running your mouth?
The truth is that there are literally hundreds of programs out there who help. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who donate their time to make a difference. The stories are out there. The people exist everywhere. I have mentored and been a father figure to a few of them myself in the community. I know there are more like me out there. We don’t get paid for it and we come out of our pockets to do it when needed. And we still do it.
My problem about Professor Williams is that some of his opinions may be right be. Or at least close enough to being right that he can help foster the dialogue and action more. However, as much as he criticizes the “black elite” of which he is a member, I have yet to see him enter into a community and do anything about the problem.
It is time for the professor and many others to get from the behind the computer and podium and put his words into action. Join the rest of us.