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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Problem We All Live With

It is a painting by Norman Rockwell.  Or maybe it’s more like an illustration.  He called it “The Problem We All Live With”.  It shows a six year old little girl being escorted by Marshalls to a newly integrated New Orleans school.  The wall behind her shows the results of tomatoes being thrown.  The letter “N” being partially blocked by the arm of a Marshall and the letter “R” being blocked partially by the tomato, the racist insult “nigger” is also shown on the wall.

The little girl is named Ruby Bridges.  She is a real person.  Today she is fifty six years of age not much older than me as a matter of fact.  So what is the big deal?  Well, President Obama has decided to place the picture outside of the Oval office.  Yes it is that simple.
Well you know that if the President did something, no matter how benign, it becomes a problem with certain folks.  For this simple act I’ve read how the President is “divisive”, “a racist” and other foolish things.  It is all part of the Obama Derangement Syndrome.
I don't even see what could possibly be "controver­sial" about hanging this painting. Unless, of course, you think the Civil Rights movement was a bad thing.
The reality is that some still will try to say and do anything to keep him out.  They claim he is a citizen of another country.  They claim he hates America.  They claim he is a communist or Marxist.  Or a secret Muslim (which really doesn’t disqualify him).  Some even have claim that he was the anti-christ.
I think hanging the painting there is great for it says that at one time people didn’t want Blacks to even enter into the same school as them.  Now here is a Black in the highest office in the land.

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