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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Congratulations to the UMES Hawks Cheerleaders!

On March 4, 2012, the University of Maryland Eastern's Cheerleaders participated in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Cheerleading competition at the Joel Coliseum in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The UMES Hawks Cheerleading Team competed in the Co-Ed division against other teams in their conference.  Year the team placed third at the competition and the year before they placed second. This year the team placed first in their division, the first time ever that they have accomplished this task.

In addition, the team also came in second place in the overall competition placing just four points below the eventual winner Morgan State University.  However, this is not all, as Adrian Gibbs, a senior on the team, placed first in the All-Star performance.  This catagory highlights the outstanding performer in the entire competition.

We extend our congratulations to the UMES Hawks Cheerleading for this outstanding accomplishment!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Root Canal

“The man who came to Washington on a wave of euphoria has had a presidency with all the joy of a root canal, dragged down by W.’s recklessness and his own inability to read America’s panic and its thirst for a strong leader.”
This was part of a column written by the always interesting Maureen Dowd I found on the New York Times website. I have to agree with her but not for what I think her reasons are.

The economy, the political process and the like are today filled with infection and other problems. Congress is useless. They only move on what the party feels is important for itself.  One is only moving to ensure that the current president is a one term president.  The other is too much of a coward to move on anything else.  I am told if you do nothing you will fail one hundred percent of the time.  We have a Congress filled with do nothings. 

Even worse is the fact that the American public is in a stage of self imposed ignorance about what is really going on.  The American public has allowed this mess to continue.  We have allowed it to fester and become infected.  We don’t even take the time to actually find out the truths behind any of the issues and now just allow the so called news media (blog, print cable, web) to tell us what to think and feel.  Today more than anything the media is out to get rating and not facts.  The public in turn sides with whatever media side they favor and walk around in a daze.  Sure we wear our tea party hats or occupy places, but where does it get us?

We have allowed this condition to settle in a fester.  Injuring and causing decay towards the common good of this country. It is causing pain and anguish and a whole lot of other problems. So what is the cure?

I don’t know exactly but we will have to sit through the “root canal” to help alleviate the pain.

I remember when President Obama first started his presidency. He said something to the affect that it would get worse before it gets better. Everyone became up in arms about this and so the statement was softly quieted. Today we know for a fact that it indeed has gotten worse with signs it is slowly getting better.

Very slowly. So slowly it is almost going backward.

So the message is to take care of your teeth or you might have to sit through another root canal.
