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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An UnCommon Problem?

It’s very funny how some people are complaining about Common coming to the White House to read poetry is such a bad thing.
Sean Hannity said, "This is not the guy that you invite to the White House for a poetry reading," he said. "This is not the guy we want our kids to listen to." President Obama, he said, "goes back to his radical roots again and again and again: Ayers, Wright, Pflager."

It’s funny how none of these people even knows who Common is.  He is one of the least radical rappers there is out there.  What this really shows is the deep seeded hate some people have for thing that are different to them.  Plus add the fact that your kids probably already listen to him.

I guess it is some sort of payback for when Mr. Bush wanted to have the work of Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman at one of his poetry events.  That particular event was cancelled because of the noise.  Let see what happens to this one.

This just proves my point at how very stupidly petty this country is becoming.


Blog Editor said...

Sean Hannity is the one you should keep away from your kids' attention, not Common. Way too many ignorant 'ranting heads' such as him...on both sides. The election is still, like, 18 months away, and our nation has GENUINE problems to address.

Anonymous said...

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me"

That's the problem Street. Too many of our friends and neighbors who can't put thier childish ways behind them. White, Black, Hispanic, Oriental, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Whatever.

Joe H.
Stevensville, MD

P.S. Glad to see you on the Internet again!

Anonymous said...

Joe H.

Thank you sir.